
Sunday, 4th May 2050

Holy mother of a COW! So earlier this morning at 3 am I went for that briefing in the park with Tony. We met Charles in one of those Huts by the lake, kind of a creepy place at three in the morning, even when you're holding on to your gun like your life depends on it - literally.

It turns out, Steve is a snitch for the feds and the job in the Valley was to keep Steve away from us! Damnit! We just had a drink with this guy and now we need to take him out? I spent the past five years working alongside Steve; if that is even his real name, I'm wondering when it was that he became a snitch? How much do the feds know about me, about my life!? I need to get out of this business - somehow!

Tonight Tony and I are going to pay Steve a visit, hopefully he won't be with any of those college students he was bragging about a couple of hours ago. If that story is even true. Wow, I just realized that I spent the past five years working with someone who might never have been the guy he ever claimed to be. All the excessive drinking, his college students, the brutal murders the car stealings and the beat ups of people who got in our way! And further more I just realized, that he never actually carried any of this out himself, he always had me or Tony on his side to do this stuff for him! But maybe It's my paranoia talking now!

I wonder what he gets out of this? Except for the lead we're going to pump into him later - can't be money, he earns enough to have bought himself that apartment on Rosewood Boulevard. Ever since I know Steve though he's been crazy - maybe it's for the rush - I don't know, it's not clever thinking of all this right now I haven't had any sleep yet and it's 8 in the morning. I should get some rest.

Damnit Steve! Why? You're such a fool!

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