Hanging with the Guys

Saturday, 3rd May 2050

Tonight I went for a drink with Tony and Steve. It quickly turned out to be more than just one drink, but I'm still capable of writing this, so ... I guess I'm still okay to drive to the park later for the briefing of tonights job in the valley.

Anyway, for some reason Steve couldn't stop bragging about how he had two chicks last night and how both of them were drunk. I'm may use my P30 to hunt my targets down, or drown them with the huge rock on their feet; but that's business, I don't take advantage of sweet 17 year old college students after a party. After all, I'm married.

I still don't know how I'll explain to my wife later that I'll have to stay out tonight, but I'm sure she'll understand - hopefully - if not, there goes another argument on another Saturday night. I wonder what she'll say when I give her that $12.000 ring on her birthday though. I mean, it's nights like these that I make most of the money.

I've been working for Charles now for a little under 7 years, in this god forsaken city... . Before I got here 7 years ago, they kept saying "Westington City, you'll find something quick!" I did find 'something', it just wasn't really that something I was looking for. Pay however is good, especially on these extra jobs. I just don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep this up. How much longer can I keep lying to my wife.

As far as I know it's going to be Tony and myself on the job tonight. Something about protection money from some Pub down on Kensington Street. I'll see later... but honestly? Who meets up in a park at 3 in the morning? I better take my gun with me. You may never know.

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